
Your brand is not your logo
Many businesses assume this. It’s a common misconception. Our brand design services go much further than the logo.
For sure, a logo is an integral part of the brand… a highly visual and often recognisable asset.
But assuming a logo is a brand is a widespread misconception.
Your brand is a jigsaw, made up of many interlocking pieces.
“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.”
(Simon Sinek)
It is your strategy – customer experience – the quality of service – tone of voice – story – personality – communication – people – facilities – systems – processes – imagery… oh yes, and your logo!
It’s the sum of many things, and when all are executed really well, you’ve got the recipe for brand success. But if any part fails, your brand can come crashing down.
Many companies put a value on brand success… it’s called Brand Equity. This is the value premium that a business can generate from their brand’s product or service, compared to a generic equivalent. Companies create Brand Equity by making their product or services memorable, recognisable and superior in quality and reliability.
Building a brand
Your brand deserves a great logo, for sure, and RJ Brand Design will work tirelessly to give you a logo that perfectly fits. But before we even grab a Sharpie, or head for the Mac, we’ll take you on a journey to discover what your brand is about.
What do you do?
How do you do it?
Why do you do it?
All these questions will be addressed on our journey. And the answers will inform how we start to build the jigsaw that is your brand.
Here’s just a few of the key pieces a business needs to put in place, and be consistent with, to start building their brand.
Brand story
A brand story tells everyone what motivated you to start your business, and why you get up and do what you do every day, why customers should care, and why they should trust you. Your brand story therefore builds trust and connections with your customers.
Brand personality
Brand personality is a set of deeply ingrained human characteristics that are attributed to a brand name. Your brand personality is something to which your customers can relate. Effective brands increase their brand equity by being consistent to their set of traits. Like the brand story, your brand personality builds trust and connects you and your customers together.
Tone of voice
Your tone of voice describes how your brand communicates and influences how your messages are perceived.
Your tone of voice represents your brand personality and core values. This applies to all the content you deliver – website, social media, email, print, and so on.
A successfully delivered tone of voice ensures your brand is recognised by using text alone, even if they don’t see your logo or name.
How can RJ Brand Design help?
We can build your brand from the ground up, and take you on the journey to build the jigsaw together.
Or we can come in and “audit” your existing position, and make recommendations on how to get your brand back on track, which might include a rebrand.
Sometimes our customers have already identified the need for change, and also what needs to change. They call on us as a trusted partner to validate their thinking, build on it, then implement the necessary actions.
We can even work alongside your in-house brand or marketing team, generate ideas using their expert knowledge, then work with them to put in commercial and realistic solutions so that your team can get themselves back on the brand journey, and become better equipped to move forward.
Wherever your business is on its journey, RJ Brand Design can help.
Let’s talk.
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RJ Brand Design are a marketing and brand design agency based in Market Harborough, Leicestershire.
We pride ourselves on our service. And it’s our friendly and down-to-earth approach, coupled with an analytic and commercial edge that drives business improvement for our clients.
We’ve got experience across a broad range of sectors. This includes Retail, Sports, Gambling & Casinos, Engineering, Leisure, Travel & Tourism, Education, Training, IT and Technology, Recruitment, Logistics, and Healthcare.
And we offer businesses a wide range of services across online and offline marketing. This includes graphic design, logo design, brand design, brand analysis, brand survey, offline marketing, digital marketing, creative and marketing services, social media, design for print, advertising, art direction, photoshoots, video and much more.
We regularly facilitate workshops for businesses of all sizes, either face-to-face or by video conferencing. We can cover everything from a brand or creative audit to exploring tone of voice, through to creative team training, and much more.
To find out more about the Services we offer, please click here.